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Hot! Hot!! Hot!!!

30 Jul

My number one goal of this blog is to make you all realize your full potential.  (Bet you didn’t know that, did you?)  It pains me to see you guys sell yourselves short.  You are all amazing, extremely capable, vital, and (dare I say?) desirable women.  Believe it!  I’m determined to make you see it!  And believe it!!  If it’s the last thing I do!!!


“That thing is fantastic!!!! Is it weird that the more I see snuggies the more I want one? The first time I saw the commercial I thought it was about the dumbest thing going but… well, the whole idea has been growing on me to the point that, dangit, I want one!

But I’m not sure I can pull off the leopard print.”


Oh, but you can.  You so can.





(Dudes, keep in mind it’s like a thousand degrees inside my house.  This is your brain.  This is your brain on a frickin’ hot frying pan.  Any questions?)


DynaGirl saw this and said she wanted a zebra print Snuggie.  “They make a zebra print Snuggie?” I scoffed.  “In your dreams!”  Well…

Dreams come true!*  And it’s two for the price of one!  With bonus book lights!  Anyone want to go halvsies with me?

*Be sure to watch the video for maximum linkage pleasure.

Now THAT’S wild

30 Jul

So you know that quick errand I mentioned yesterday?  While I was there, I saw this:

leopard snuggie

I’m sure you can imagine how disappointed I felt that they didn’t come out with these, like, four months ago

But can’t you just picture yourself?  Reading a book?  Watching a movie?



I think the heat was the only thing keeping me from picking one up for myself yesterday.