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Friday unFunnies

29 Aug

I woke up at like 6 am this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I just got up.  At 6:30.  In the morning.  I’m so tired.  I got up and watched the end of Masterpiece’s A Room With a View that I had started last night at 12:30 am.  I really don’t know what possesses me to stay up so late.  A Room With a View has been on my DVR for months, and I just now watched it.  It was sad.  I know I’ve seen another version before, but I had no recollection of the story.  I must have been blocking it out.  Because it’s sad.

Last night was DynaGirl and Goose’s back to school BBQ.  We had been looking forward to it because it’s a brand new school and this would be our first glimpse inside.  Plus the girls are always excited to meet their new teachers and see their classrooms.  Well, the school is beautiful.  Everything’s so shiny and new.  But the dumb thing was they didn’t have the class lists ready—some nonsense about having 100 new students register in the past few days and not having placed them all yet.  So they invited us to meet every teacher from the grade our children would be attending.  What is the point of this?  So when you finally find out who you’re getting you can breathe a sigh of relief that you didn’t get Ms. Wackadoodle or be disappointed that you did?  I met one teacher for DynaGirl’s age group that had been hired that morning.  She just graduated a year ago, and her only classroom experience has been substituting for this past year.  She’s teaching a 2nd/3rd grade split class with a 2 to 1 ration of 2nd to 3rd graders.  I asked her how she felt about split classes and she said that she thought they were fine except generally it’s the younger students that benefit.  Not that she would really know, she’s never taught before!  (And why are they putting a completely inexperienced teacher in a split class?)  But it does make sense—the younger students benefitting thing.  DynaGirl’s going into 3rd grade.  If they put her in that class I think I’ll have to raise a stink.  Only last night they said class lists would hopefully be posted by 3 pm today and I’m supposed to be leaving by 2:30 pm today and won’t be back until Sunday night and Monday is Labor Day and Tuesday school starts, so when am I supposed to be raising this stink?  Sigh. 

I’m going to see my sick uncle.  My mom’s baby brother.  I think this is the first trip I’ve ever made for the express reason of saying goodbye.  Kind of puts a damper on things.  But better to go than not.  Sigh.  It’s such bad timing, though, being the weekend before school starts, which I am not totally prepared for.  And I have these responsibilities at church that I’m trying to pawn off last minute on others because I’d volunteered for them completely forgetting that I was going on this trip and not even going to be there.  Probably because I was blocking it out.  Because it’s sad.  Better to go than not.

Sorry to be all gloom and doom.  Here are a few gems from Mr. T this week to end on a happy note.


Mr. T:  Double-O Seven!  Dive-rolls out of the family room.

Mr. T, walking towards his bedroom:  One time I OO7’d it into the bathroom, only I missed the door and hit the wall.

Me:  That was last night.  I was there.

Mr. T:  Oh yeah.

I’m not sure where this “OO7’d it” phrase came from, but I’m kind of liking it.

Just random conversation.

Mr. T:  If they had an invention that would permanently take out wedgies, I would totally buy it.

Me:  What?

Mr. T:  I’m serious.  I’ve been getting a lot of wedgies lately.  I don’t know what’s going on.

I don’t know what to say.