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Taking care of business

12 Mar

First off, I’d like to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement on Tuesday.  I’m pleased to inform you that I actually did accomplish something.  Actually, somethings.  See that ‘s’ there on the end?  As in plural?  As in multiple?  As in more than one?!

Check it:

I took Susan’s advice (and a bunch of the rest of y’all’s) and tackled the clothes pile in the girls’ room first.



And after:


OK, so there are still all kinds of toys, books and other crud on the ground and the floor hasn’t been vacuumed in at least a month, but did you notice the clothes disappear?  Like magic!

With that victory under my belt, I was sorely tempted to spend the rest of the day resting on my laurels.  But did I?  Did I?!

You bet your sweet bippy I didn’t!



Dude, remember before?


I cleared that sink out!  And also the counter full of dishes that I didn’t bother showing you before.


See?  All clear.   I don’t have a before shot, but trust me there were plenty o’ dishes there too.  And also the stove.


Those pots don’t count because Tuesday night’s dinner was cooking.  (I knew I needed to hurry and take pics before the dinner aftermath.)

And in a moment of totally uncharacteristic (but not completely unprecedented) over-achieverness, I also:

  • wiped down all the countertops
  • ran two errands (Costco and Target)
  • and made two appointments for Mr. T with the orthodontist and the eye doctor (he failed his last vision screening at school with his glasses.  Oops.)
  • oh, oh, oh!  AND did all the dinner dishes, including the pots and pans!

Bask in my productive awesomeness!  No, really.  Bask!  OK, so some of you might be thinking, “Big woop-da-frickin-doo.  I accomplish ten times that on a daily basis.”  But we’re not talking about you here, we’re talking about me.  We all have different levels of productive awesomeness—different levels of productive awesomeness potential, even—and I’m telling you on Tuesday, I just about reached the full measure of mine, I think.  And it feels fantastic!  Even the ladies are reveling in the victory, perhaps with a little less gusto than they would be had I taken care of them first, but I’ll get to them.  Eventually. 
