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Sometimes more is more

20 Mar

Chuck’s sister is getting married next week. The night before the wedding, one of his other sister’s is throwing a bridal shower. Well, it’s more of a lingerie party really. After the last time I attended one of these lingerie parties, I swore I would never do it again. Who knew what was going on in my sister-in-laws’ minds! I love them to death, but woah boy! I was more than a little uncomfortable. If you want more juicy details, you’ll have to e-mail me. I can’t bring myself to post them here. This is just not that kind of blog, regardless of what my wacky search term hits might suggest (the ones I don’t use for WSTW).

Anyway, the invitation for the lingerie party said this:

Bachelorette Party & Lingerie Shower

Favorites: red, blue, black & green
No pink, please
Sexy costumes! 🙂

I’m a little thrown by the “sexy costumes”.  What does that mean exactly?  My first thought was, “Do they sell underoos in adult sizes?”  But maybe I’m taking the costume bit a tad too literally.  I don’t really consider myself overly prudish, but I’m not super comfortable shopping for lingerie for myself (which I don’t really do), let alone someone else.  We were provided with sizes, but I’m not totally confident that I will pick out something that would fit or be flattering.  And also, I really don’t like the idea of someone thinking of me while they’re doing whatnot in the item that I purchased for them.  Not that I think they’ll be thinking of me exactly.  I’m just imagining a scenario like:

“Nice nighty, shmoopie.  Where’d you get it?”

“Thanks, sugar toes.  Bythelbs gave it to me.”

I just don’t want my name or any kind of Bythelbs-related thought to enter into that particular situation, if you know what I mean.

So I’ve been struggling with this for a couple of weeks now until last night I had a revelation.  Cue heavenly rays and angelic chorus.  I know exactly what I’m getting for her.



Doesn’t she look alluring?  It’s a one size fits all kind of thing, so I don’t have to worry about that.  It comes in red, blue and green, so there are plenty of options there.  And isn’t less skin supposed to be more sexy?  So I’m thinking coverage-wise, sometimes more is more, right?  It’s perfect.  I’m going to go pick one up at Target today.  I think maybe I’ll wrap it up with a card that says, “Snuggilicious!”