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Sometimes I forget how funny my 6 year old is

13 Sep


BigHugs: Boyfriends aren’t supposed to burp in girlfriends’ faces.

Sing it, sister.


Last year’s kindergarten separation anxiety.

BigHugs: I wish I could make two of myselves–one to go to school and one to follow you.

Yeah, uh, me too.  A-hem.


This one’s from last school year too.

BigHugs: I want to pretend to be a dog–like after school or when I have free days or during Christmas break.  But if you ever want to take me for a walk, could you take me inside so my clothes don’t get all ruined and I don’t get hurt?  When I have clothes on when I’m a dog, just pretend that I don’t have clothes on because people who put clothes on their dog are weird.

She really thought this thing through.