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Prettyfull poneys and unicorn paths

21 May

DynaGirl’s gotten back into horses lately.  She used to be all about the horses.  Horses this.  Horses that.  Loved, loved, loved the horses.  And then she moved onto puppies.  But the horses are back.

And I’m so glad because when I got home from running my errands yesterday I found this:

With this note on the back:

I love you Mom.  I drew these prettyfull poney picter for you because I noticed last time you really liked them.  When are you coming home it seems like FOREVER!



P.S. did I mention I love you?


She also draws amazingly adorable puppies, but I love these prettyfull poneys.  Oh, and did I mention the unicorns?


DynaGirl pointed out to me yesterday that all of her unicorn pictures have a path in them.  I can’t wait to go down the path with her.